Monthly Meetings as Announced
Women of the Word welcomes all ladies ages 18 and up to our monthly women's meetings. Meetings are currently taking place on the evening of the fourth Wednesday of the month at WHFC. Our meetings normally consist of a snack or light meal, fellowship, and a short bible teaching. Please feel free to join us and invite a friend. The atmosphere is casual and laidback. Childcare for children 4 and up is provided.

Conferences and Retreats
The ladies at World Harvest Family Church normally host a yearly womens' conference but have decided to go get fed at two different conferences this year hosted by great women of God we admire. See below for more information!
July Wow Meeting with Super Champion, Kassi Solis
Our July Women of the Word meeting took place at Pastor Stephanie's house and was led by Super Champion Kassi Solis who shared on Psalm 139. Our beautiful women were reminded on just how precious and loved we are by our Father God and how we should not fall victim to the lie of the devil that has us comparing ourselves to others. We are divinely unique and marvelously made! Thank you, Kassi, for your beautiful reminder and for sharing the Word with us on this very special summer evening. We look forward to your next visit!
A Quick WOW Getaway...
World Harvest Family Church ladies spent a very relaxing weekend sharing a beach house at the beach last year on October 20-22nd and had a wonderful time in Him! With a focus on fellowship, the Word, and downtime, we had fun, ate great food, fellowshipped, laughed, cried and worshipped and can't wait to do it all again! Click the link below for more information.

Get Connected. Go Deeper.
We have small groups for every member of your family! Please be sure to contact our group leaders to stay informed of our meetings, fellowships, bible studies, conferences and more!