Children's Services

Sunday mornings
10:30 am.
Children's Church and Jr. Youth are held during the adult service. Children ages 4-11 are dismissed to class after worship.

Monthly Meetings
Wednesdays at 7 p.m. - as announced
Power House Kids are currently meeting once and Jr. Youth is meeting twice a month. Please check our calendar for dates.

Children's Groups

Nursery for ages 0 - 3
Children are received in the nursery starting at ten minutes before Sunday service begin. Nursery services are also provided for other events and meetings as announced.

Children's Church / Power House Kids | Ages 4 - 8
Children's Church takes place during Sunday service and are dismissed to classes after worship. Please pick up your child(ren) from class after the service. Once a month, Power House Kids meets for to fellowship, have fun, and grow their faith. Please see the calendar for their next meeting.

Jr. Youth | Age 9 - 11
Jr. Youth meets during Sunday services and are dismissed to class after worship. The also meet twice a month on the first and last Wednesday nights for an outreach and discipleship meeting. See our calendar for more information.

Cultivate Youth | Ages 12 - 18
Cultivate Youth meets on Wednesday nights as announced. Please see our calendar for more information.