“Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

I Thessalonians‬ 5:23

Monthly Meetings as Announced

The Total Man welcomes all men ages 18 and up to our monthly meetings at church. Meetings are currently taking place on the third Wednesday evening of the month and normally includes praise, Word, food, and fellowship time. Please feel free to join us and invite a friend.

Conferences and Advances

The  men at World Harvest Family Church annually host a Men's Conference and sometimes travel together to attend others. Besides the conference and men's trips, the men also schedule fellowships that sometimes include overnight stays and steak dinners. Please check our church calendar for our upcoming events.

The Total Man at Palomino Ranch

The Total Man's March 2025 Meeting took place at Palomino Ranch and was a blessing to everyone who attended! Men gathered to the sounds of Los Leones en Jesucristo as they fellowshipped, enjoyed some great barbecue and so much more! 

"On Target"
Men's Conference 2020

World Harvest Men are ON TARGET!!

With activities such as darts, bowling, billiards, golf, and target practice at a gun range, the men that attended 2020's men's conference learned not only to be 'On Target' in the natural, but in the Spirit as well! We hope you choose to join us at this year's conference! Stay tuned for more information.

Small Groups

Get Connected. Go Deeper.

We have small groups for every member of your family! Please be sure to contact our group leaders to stay informed of our meetings, fellowships, bible studies, conferences and more!