Welcome to the House

Join us at our new campus, 4101 W. University Drive in Edinburg

Join us.

Sundays at 10 a.m.

Nursery for children ages 0-3 is provided.
Children ages 4-11 attend Sunday School classes
during the service.

Wednesday Nights

Power House Kids - March
Junior Youth Faith Night - March 5
Total Man - March 19
Cultivate Youth - Every Wednesday

Monthly Meetings and Fellowships

Other bible studies, meetings, fellowships, and events are announced frequently. Please check our calendar for updated meeting dates and times and join our email / text message group below!

Join us at our new home!

Though we're not quite ready for our grand opening and the move into our official new sanctuary...we have been meeting at our new property, La Misión Plaza in Edinburg, Texas!

If you do not have a church to call home, you are invited to ours.
Join us at 4101 W University Drive, Edinburg, Texas.

We are


Congratulations to our church members who made this public proclamation of their personal decision to make Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior. In baptism, we illustrate the powerful truth that, in Christ, we have died to sin and are raised to new life in Him (Rom. 6:4). 

Meet our Pastors

Thank you for being a part of what God is doing here at World Harvest Family Church. We are a church family with BIG dreams and BIG faith to see God move in a BIG way. Whatever God is doing, we intend to be right in the middle of it! Let's go!